Postcard’s Front

Postcards, 2019

Exhibition History

Current Seen: Seeing Change, Small Venue Biennial, Visual Studies Workshop, Rochester, NY, 2019

Point of Contact, MFA in Photography and Related Media Thesis Show, William Harris Gallery, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, 2019

Installation INFORMATION

This installation consists on providing postcards to gallery visitors, that they can use to mail their Elected Officials to advocate for gun control. The front of the postcard shows “Mommy, what is this?” (2018). The back of the postcard contains a short letter with the phrase “No more children should die from gun violence. I support gun control.”, along with fill-in-the-blank spaces for the names and contact information of them and of the elected official(s) they would like to mail the postcard to.

A mailbox and the mail addresses of the senators and the representative where the exhibition is taking place have been provided for reference. The postcards are mailed when the exhibition ends. I’m using the template strategy used in Template (96 die each day from gun violence in the U.S.), but in a hopeful way, by inviting the audience to join me in my activist efforts.